Can I upgrade to another package?

If you are interested in upgrading your package please contact our support team at:

  • upgrade another package
  • 0 istifadəçi bunu faydalı hesab edir
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Uyğun məqalələr

Am I allowed to host adult content using

No, we do not allow adult hosting contents.

Can I add my own CGI scripts?

Our LINUX web servers have the capability to run CGI scripts in your own 'cgi-bin' directory....

Can I host a site designed in iWeb from a Mac on

Yes, you can host iWeb sites on your account. Your username would be 'publish...

Can I install TeamSpeak on a shared hosting account?

It is only possible to install TeamSpeak on dedicated server hosting packages at...

Can I set 'always populate raw post data' in the php.ini file?

By default, this feature is off. You can email and request this feature...

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