
GSuite Service Provider Tirupur|GSuite Email Service Provider Coimbatore |Google Mail Service Provider Tirupur|Business Mail Service Provider

What is G Suite?

G Suite is Google’s suite of intelligent apps. This was formerly known as Google Apps, till it was re-branded in late 2016. We primarily recommend G Suite for clients that are needing email hosting for their business. However, G Suite is much more than just email. It also includes a variety of apps and features that can come in quite handy. In fact, you’re probably already using or are familiar with some of them.

Features We Use on a Daily Basis

G Suite has three different plans you can use (of which we’ll dive into a little later on). We utilize the Basic G Suite plan for our employees here at Domain Forest. This starts at just $5/user/month. For many of you, the basic plan is probably all you’ll ever need. Here’s what it includes:


According to Litmus, Gmail leads the way as the most popular email client, with a whopping 26% of the market share based on open rates. It’s no surprise as Gmail has been around since 2004 and now boasts over 1.2 billion users. One of the best things about G Suite is you basically get an enhanced ad-free version of the online email client you’re probably already using.

G Suite essentially allows your employees to have their own Gmail accounts with email addresses with your business domain name (example: john@yourbusiness.com). A very small business with one or two users might be able to get away with free Gmail accounts and some alias+forwarding rules. But once you start hiring two or three employees, you’ll find yourself needing accounts that can be managed separately.

Google Drive

Google Drive allows you to store, access, and share your files in one secure place. You then have easy access to them from any device. G Suite Basic plans come with 30GB of storage for every employee. G Suite’s Business, Enterprise, and Teams editions provide unlimited storage so you will always have enough space for your files. Note: If you’re a smaller team with fewer than 5 users, you only get 1TB/user.

If you haven’t used Google Drive before, one of the best things we like about it is the amazing search functionality! Although, it’s probably not too surprising seeing as they also run the largest search engine in the world. Did you know that you can search based on the content within a document (regardless of the file name)? Pretty handy. This means you can easily find what you’re looking for, no matter how disorganized you are.

G Suite Admin Console

The Admin console for G Suite allows business owners easily manage everything from one single place. It got an overhaul recently and is a lot better than it was previously with Google Apps.

Do everything from adding new users and groups, manage devices, configure security settings (like 2-factor authentication), add new custom domains for your business which can be used for Gmail.

Most, if not all of the features in G Suite have to be enabled by the administrator in order to be used. Some of these are also only available in higher plans. If a feature is not enabled and a user tries to access it, they’ll see a “not available” message (as seen below).

Additional Features for G Suite Business and Enterprise Users

It’s also important to make a note of the additional features in G Suite Business and Enterprise plans. If you’re a bigger business and rely on email heavily, these can help ease some of your worries.

Cloud Search: Want to take search capabilities in G Suite even further? The Cloud Search feature allows you to search across your company’s content in G Suite. From Gmail and Drive to Docs, Sheets, Slides, Calendar, and more.

Vault: You can never have too many backups. Vault allows you to manage, retain, search, and export your organization’s email, Google Drive file content and on-the-record chats. Basically, you can archive all your data and set retention policies.

Unparalleled Benefits of G Suite

While all those features above are great, now it’s time to dive into some of the real benefits of using G Suite for your business.

G Suite

Hosting Email With Third-Party Is Always Recommended

It’s never recommended to host your email with the same company you use for WordPress hosting. That’s why we don’t and will never offer email hosting to our clients (other than perhaps a G Suite add-on down the road in My Domain Forest. We go into great detail about the reasons here. But we’ll give you a quick summary of why below:

If you use your host, you’re tied to IP addresses that your host has configured for outgoing email. If something goes wrong with that, such as a client suddenly spamming, there is a chance the IP address could get blacklisted for spam. Then you’re suddenly left hanging with no control.

One of the biggest downfalls to relying on your WordPress host for emails is deliverability issues. With G Suite, you can authenticate outbound mail using DKIM and SPF records which can positively impact your spam rating.

Sending emails via your WordPress host could potentially result in server resources issues. By offloading email to a third-party, especially G Suite, you’ll never have to worry about this.

Spreading services across multiple providers is always a good thing. We always recommend separating DNS (we include Amazon Route 53 DNS for all clients), WordPress hosting, and email. This way if anything goes wrong with one, your email is always flowing. Most likely your DNS will still route regardless, but by using multiple providers you can guarantee this.

So as you can see, going with a third-party for email hosting is actually beneficial to your business.

G Suite Isn’t The Cheapest, But It’s Extremely Affordable

There are other providers out there that are cheaper, such as Zoho (we’ll dive into a comparison further below). However, just like we always recommend you invest in managed WordPress hosting, your business email is not one of those areas you should try to save a buck. Having an email host that you can rely on can save you money down the road.

Here’s a look at G Suite’s pricing and what’s included in each plan.

G Suite Is as Secure as It Gets

G Suite is built on top of Google Cloud Platform, which offers the highest security on the market. It’s trusted by some of the biggest companies in the world; such as HP, Verizon, Whirlpool, and Salesforce. As Google says, they are leading with a “security-first mindset.” They have industry-leading knowledge and expertise backing each and every one of their products, including G Suite.

Here are a few highlights of ways G Suite protects you and your data:

  • G Suite Admin: Offers administrator the ability to control how data is protected, view reports, and even control mobile devices. G Suite administrators can also disallow employees from having the ability to enable “less secure apps.”
  • Encryption (TLS): G Suite provides email encryption in transit.
  • Certs, Audits, and Assessments: G Suite undergoes several independent third-party audits on a regular basis.
  • Data Retention: G Suite offers the ability to retain, archive, search, and export your data.
  • Privacy: Google does not collect, scan, or use your data in G Suite services for advertising purposes. There are also no ads in any of the G Suite products. You own your own data.
  • Transparency: Google continuously provides transparency reports to keep consumers informed.

You can check out Google Cloud’s security and compliance whitepaper for more information.

GSuite Service Provider Tirupur|GSuite Email Service Provider Coimbatore |Google Mail Service Provider Tirupur|Business Mail Service Provider
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